Friday, March 21, 2008

Banana Rama

Here is a delicious solution to storing bananas. This holder is innovative and simple, and it looks great too.
While we love bananas, we don’t love how bruised and brown they get so quickly after they are bought at the store. The moment you bring them home it is a race against time to eat them while they are tender, not mushy and canary, not brown. Thank Umbra for an ingenious little solution to this age-old problem. Turns out if you keep the bananas at room temperature and keep them from touching other fruit, they won’t spoil as fast or cause other fruit spoil in return.

If that wasn’t enough to make us love this product, it folds up after use so as to be stored in a drawer and take up as little space as possible! So stop letting your bananas get beat up, and be nice to them with the Amazing Banana Split!

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